Hoohobbers Moses Basket

Hoohobbers Moses Basket

Hoohobbers Moses Basket

Rating :Hoohobbers Moses Basket

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Hoohobbers Moses Basket. You can compare and choose prices to offer You Here! Offers Today !!

The Hoohobbers Moses basket made from sophisticated, designer fabrics. Great care is taken to create linens of the highest quality including doubled ruffles and ties plus detail piping. The unique, duvet style bumpers open to remove bumper padding for laundering. This allows the bumpers to always retain their crisp, original shape. The basket includes bumpers, sheet and a full size flannel-lined receiving blanket. Machine washable. ...Read More...

Hoohobbers Moses Basket

Fabric:Dots Pink Dots Moses Basket The Hoohobbers Moses basket made from sophisticated, designer fabrics. Great care is taken to create linens of the highest quality including doubled ruffles and ties plus detailed piping. The unique, duvet-style bumpers open to remove bumper padding for laundering; this allows the bumpers to always retain their crisp, original shape. The basket comes wit......## Big SAVE ##

Hoohobbers Moses Basket

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